8th International Cradle to Cradle Congress

The world’s first and largest platform for Cradle to Cradle and Circular Economy since 2014 is back! For the eighth time, around 1,000 participants were invited to exchange and network at the International Cradle to Cradle Congress 2023 in September. Register here!

14th International Circular Economy Week

Annually, the International Circular Economy Week discusses and debates with experts and interested stakeholders from around the world, the possible solutions and next steps on the circularity plan. Check here the program for this year's edition and register!

Procura+ Conference 2024

The City of Lisbon (Portugal) and ICLEI Europe invite you to the 11th Procura+ conference, taking place on 13 and 14 March 2024 in Lisbon, to join representatives of the European Commission, Mayors of leading cities, business leaders, researchers and some of the brightest procurement minds. The Procura+ conferences look at the role of procurement in AI; access […]

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference will take place on 15 and 16 April 2024 in Brussels - with a twist! Europe's top circular economy conference will be joining forces with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF). Policy makers, industry leaders, academics and activists from […]