Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities through PCP

Tender is Closed!

After a successful Call for Tenders in early 2024, we have selected five Suppliers to tackle our Common Challenge in Circular Economy. Find out more about the contracted Suppliers and about the next steps.


Only 10% of cities have advanced on circular transition.

Are you ready to accelerate the digital transition towards a CIRCULAR ECONOMY (CE)? CircularPSP brings together 8 cities from 8 countries, representing 45 million citizens, to invest €5.64 million in R&D to tackle common challenges following a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) approach. Find out more about the project.

Meet the partners

CircularPSP brings together 8 leading circular cities from 8 countries to jointly accelerate the digital transition towards a circular economy, and is supported by five partners. Find out more.

Next events

12 September 2024
11:00 - 12:30

Details CircularPSP is an innovation procurement for AI and platform to support cities in their CE transition. To open access to developments and future testing, we have established a wide-reaching Follower Network of […]