Contract Notice Results Published on TED Platform

Call for tenders Ideas LK

The Contract notice results for the CircularPSP Project have been published on the EU Tender Platform (TED) and can be found at this link:

Türkiye, Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, Slovenia, Finland – Research and experimental development services – CircularPSP: Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to develop a Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities.

This PCP procurement is a joint procurement by different procurers across Europe that are all facing the same common challenge and are thus looking for similar solutions (so-called ‘Buyers Group’). The common challenge to be solved by suppliers is Suppliers are to design, develop and test an innovative ‘circular economy solution’ (CE-solution) that enables municipalities and their staff as well as businesses in the local economy to apply circular practice more quickly, frequently, widely and effectively. Individual users at City and Business are empowered through access to information, knowledge, circular wisdom, guidance and training to act more circular more often and increasingly impactful whilst transitioning to a CE mindset.