CircularPSP project is carrying out an Open Market Consultation (OMC) in the form of a series of events.
OMC event took place on May 18, 2023. During the OMC procurers informed potential suppliers (industry) about the CircularPSP pre-commercial procurement opportunity, explained in detail the pre-commercial procurement process, opened a dialogue with potential suppliers about the scope of procurement envisaged in the project, facilitated matchmaking among potential suppliers in need of support in the forming of consortia.
OMC presentation (PDF) in Slovenian
Enter details in Matchmaking form and answer the Survey
00:00 Dobrodošlica in uvod
00:31:12 Javno naročanje inovacij
00:46:30 Cilj in obseg projekta CircularPSP
01:00:35 Javno naročanje in razpisni postopek
01:15:47 Vprašanja in odgovori
01:20:41 Naslednji koraki